Националната Федерацијата на Фармерите (НФФ) е организиран глас на македонските земјоделци со мисија „Профитабилно земјоделство – Стабилно село”. Целните групи со кои работи НФФ ги опфаќа сите категории земјоделци, најсиромашните, ранливите, земјоделските семејни стопанства, земјоделските организации и земјоделските задруги, како еден од најсовремените облици на организација на здружениот труд и настап на пазари. НФФ како основна алатка го има лобирањето и застапувањето на земјоделците и реализацијата на активности во подобрување на бизнис опкружувањето, едукација и информирање на земјоделците во насока на зголемување на продуктивноста и конкурентноста. НФФ посветува посебно внимание на младите и жените, родовата еднаквост и намалувањето на сиромаштијата во руралните средини.
Националната Федерација на фармери, Скопје, има потреба од ангажман на експерт администратор е – фарм во рамките на имплементација на планирани активности во проектот „ Поддршка за on line продажба на земјоделците и јакнење на гласот на жените од руралните средини“ кој е поддржан од Германското друштво за интернационална соработка (ГИЗ) во рамките на проектот „Поддршка на диверзификацијата на економските активности во рурални подрачја на Југоисточна Европа“.  Ангажманот на експертот е 40 дена за период од  12.04.2021 до 11.06.2021. Овластувањата и одговорностите се наведени во Terms of references, наведен во самиот оглас на англиски јазик.

Образование и квалификации:
• Oбразование од областа на информатика, менаџмент

• Искуство во областа на правење на on line продажба и одржување на веб страни

• Одлично познавање на Англискиот јазик
• Професионално работење со компјутери и Интернет
• Високо ниво на внимание на детали и точност;
• Аналитички вештини, вештини за пишување извештаи и за комуникација;
• Демонстрирање на постојаност во зачувување на интегритетот и етиката;
• Постапување како тимски играч и олеснување на работата во тим;
• Ефективна комуникација и социјални вештини;
• Доследно пристапување кон работата со енергија и позитивен став;

Сите заинтересирани кандидати треба да пратат CV (биографија) на двата e-mail: bobi.djokovic@nff.org.mk и nff@nff.org.mk  најдоцна до 8.04.2021 година до 15 часот, со назнака: „za aplikacija аdministrator е- farm consultant”.

Terms of Reference (TOR)

Administrator E- farm consultant

Support the online sales (e-farm) for farmers and improve the awareness of rural women


National Federation of Farmers (NFF) represents the largest network of farmers and farmer’s organizations in the country. It unites the effort of over 30 local farmers’ organizations and cooperatives, representing the voice of more than 3.000 members and cooperating with almost all key players in the agriculture and agribusiness sector. It works under the common vision: profitable agriculture – stable village, and the mission: organized farmer leader in the agricultural and rural development.

In addition to the farmers, the agricultural associations and the agricultural cooperatives, NFF in its work pays special attention to strengthening and supporting vulnerable categories in rural areas, and gives larger support for young people and women and their direct involvement in the agricultural development through decision-making and active action.

NFF puts its efforts in improving the life of the rural population by assisting and facilitating sustainable mechanisms through lobby and advocacy, information, education, business support, demonstration plots, study visits and other forms of know-how transfer and learning. NFF believes that only well trained, skilled and business oriented farmers can lead the rural community development in sustainable manner.

Organization maintains the strategic partnership with the academic and research community (faculties and institutes), extension service providers (NEA and private companies), other NGOs from Macedonia and from the region and partnership with state and foreign institutions and organizations. 

NFF is implementing a range of projects focusing on agriculture and rural development in North Macedonia and actively cooperates with different international and donor organizations. The current project portfolio is financially supported mainly by the Swedish Organization We Effect, GIZ, European Union, RadioAid, FAO and others.

The Project

The project:” Support the online sales (e-farm) for farmers and improve the awareness of rural women” is comprised of 2 components:

  1. Capacity development and promotion related to on-line promotion and sales of agro-food products via the E-farm platform and
  2. Facilitation of women leadership and entrepreneurship

The first project component will focus on improvement of marketing opportunities for small-to mid-scale farmers (agro-food producers), as well as small service providers in tourism and handicraft producers.

Based on the request by NFF, SEDRA project supported the development of E – farm platform in 2020, which was developed by the IT company “Neocom” in close cooperation with NFF. With the current project it is foreseen to put the platform info function, with its completion with relevant information for farmers and their offers of products, as well as to work on development of capacities of farmers to use the platform and up-date information. Also, the project will focus on promotion of the platform to the users, both customers and farmers. With the E-farm platform, direct support will be provided to more than 200 small-to mid-scale farmers represented over the NFF membership with a potential to grow in larger system of promotion and sales. For NFF it will mean increase of the services for membership, support in marketing and promotion of the small-scale farmers, new membership and creation of customer data-base that will provide information on consumer behavior. For the farmers it will mean opening of the opportunities for direct sales to the customers shortening the supply chain – no middle man, increase of the income/profit, access to new customers, competitive environment for sales that will demand higher standards and added value products, establishment of potential stable market linkages that could enable planned production in the future.

The second project component will focus on awareness raising of women in rural areas about legal property rights, as well as promotion of women leadership and entrepreneurship as a precondition for economic empowerment of rural women, as important segment of economic development of rural areas in North Macedonia. This will be done through implementation of six (6) awareness/education workshops with motivation speakers – women entrepreneurs role models.

In such manner the project represents an important intervention to the agriculture and NFF in the country, and complies to the core values and mission of NFF to protect and represent the interest of the farmers in the country, first its membership and indirectly all other farmers in Republic of Macedonia.

The Expert

Administrator E- farm consultant will prepare the e-platform for uploading photos, text editing the section with discounts, and additional services. He/she will organize workshops and support farmers in promoting their products on e-platform and giving NFF staff support to manage the platform further and prepare a guide for the e-platform and NFF staff.

Within the project there will be 8 trainings for total of 200 online platform sales users, NFF members. This activity will assist the farmers to get the necessary skills in the use of the e-platform, clarify potential issues and illustrate clear path in the effective use of the platform. This will be a responsibility of the Administrator of E-farm to support NFF, along with the IT support expert (consultant) who will support the background administration and back-up of the e-platform.

Farmers will be supported on a daily basis for registration and use of the e-platform. The person engaged for administration of the E-farm will help them for proper process of registration, attachment of photos, filling in the price lists and other issues related to the use of the platform. Reports on the project progress will be prepared regularly for the purposes of monitoring of the activities and the results by the E-farm administrator.

For successful Implementation of this activity the expert will be hired for forty (40) working days in the period April – June 2021.

The Expert must know:

  • IT technology for effective management of e-platforms
  • The specifics of the training modules for the beneficiaries
  • The operational use of the e-platform

The Expert must have experience in:

  • Development and management of e-platforms
  • Project management
  • Good communication skills
  • Team working

The obligations and responsibilities of the consultants are:

  • Prepare the e-platform for uploading photos, text editing and additional services.
  • Organize 8 trainings for total of 200 farmers and support them in promoting their products on e-platform.
  • Prepare a guideline for the use of e-platform
  • Know-how transfer to NFF staff to manage the platform
  • Support the farmers on a daily basis for registration and use of the e-platform
  • Prepared Facebook page for e -platform
  • Prepare the progress and final report(s)