International Expert for Development of ToR for Project of Establishment of Common Market Organization (CMO) Structure in North Macedonia(Extended application deadline until 04.02.2025)
Date of publication: 27.12.2024
The National Federation of Farmers (NFF) represents the largest network of farmers and farmer’s organizations in the country. It has inherited all the institutional memory and experience from the Federation of Farmers of RM. It unites the effort of 43 local farmers’ organizations and cooperatives, representing the voice of more than 3.000 members and cooperating with almost all key players in the agriculture and agribusiness sector.
NFF has expanded its scope of action. This means that besides farmers, agricultural associations, and agricultural cooperatives, the organization will continue to strengthen and support vulnerable categories in rural areas, greater support for young people and women, and their direct involvement in the development of agriculture through decision-making and active action.
In addition to agriculture, one of the organization’s main focuses is rural development, ie dealing with the problems and challenges that the rural population faces, such as poverty and limited approaches of the rural population to health services, education, information law, and decision-making power.
The main pillar of action is lobbying to define the problems from the field and by joint work and analysis will be presented in front of the competent institutions for finding a common solution, which is in the interest of the farmers and the welfare of our entire country.
The focus of NFF, which will continue to function under the slogan “Together for success” and the logo that symbolizes the labour and production of our farmers, is solving the biggest problems, which is placement and quality production. The mission of the rebranded organization is the ORGANIZED FARMER LEADER IN THE AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. The vision to which we strive is – PROFITABLE AGRICULTURE – STABLE VILLAGE.
As of May 2021, NFF implements the project “Organizational development of NFF and improved market linkages for the small farmers and producers from rural areas aiming at increased income” (“the Project”) that is supported by Sweden and facilitated by We Effect, a Swedish development organization.
The expected outcomes of the Project are the following:
Outcome 1: Rural enterprises, small farmers/producers, grow and provide more income and employment opportunities for the people from the rural area, women, and youth in particular.
The focus here will facilitate access to the market for actors that empower rural women and youth. Currently, market linkages for sales of products are broken for small farmers/produces, leading to low income of the rural target group, pushing them into poverty.
Outcome 2: Increased organizational capacities and financial sustainability of NFF. As a membership-based organization, NFF represents the interests of farmers and the rural population in the country. It has developed a paid membership system with a set of free services to which only members are eligible. In the last few years as a result of the previous Institutional Development to NFF Project, the organization has improved its internal organization, management, introduced procedures, book of rules, book of conduct and other administrative and management tools that improved the performance and the impact of our work.
The focus here is the organizational development and financial sustainability as crucial to continue with the lobby and advocacy activities and develop new services to provide new sources of income.
NFF signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Economy, with the primary goal of supporting and establishing organizations of producers. Within this framework, preparations are underway for the project “Implementation of Common Market Organization (CMO) Measures,” which will be implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Economy (MAFWE) as part of the IPA 2021 Action Document. For that purpose, the goal of this procurement is to engage an international expert to develop a ToR for a project for establishment of Common Market Organization (CMO) structure in North Macedonia.
Offers to be submitted on email vidanka.martinovska@nff.org.mk and nff@nff.org.mk no later than 04.02.2025
All questions you may have can be addressed on email vidanka.martinovska@nff.org.mk till 31.01.2025.
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